Biden Administration Freezes Student Loan Repayments Following Court Rulings

Washington Examiner

After federal judges in Kansas and Missouri sided in favor of Republican attorneys general by blocking parts of President Joe Biden’s student loan repayment program, the Department of Education announced it is freezing monthly student loan payments and interests of 3 million borrowers.

The Saving on a Valuable Education plan, better known as SAVE, determines a borrowers’ monthly payment based on their earnings and family size. There are more than 8 million people signed up for the plan and 4.5 million of them qualify for $0 monthly payments because of their low earnings.  

On July 1, the Department of Education was going to implement payment reductions, with many borrowers seeing their payments being cut in half. That measure was blocked by Kansas U.S. District Judge Daniel D. Crabtree.











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One Thought to “Biden Administration Freezes Student Loan Repayments Following Court Rulings”

  1. The Professor

    Bernie calling someone inarticulate? That is the kettle calling the pot black. Bernie, when confused which is often, resorts to screaming and name calling. He also, supposedly a staunch DEI advocate when that woke movement started, could not define equity, the second component of the acronym DEI. On to the allegation of lying, the democrats had planned on referring to President Trump as a felon whenever possible. With Hunter’s conviction, that strategy fell apart. Note, President Trump’s conviction will be overturned. Hunter will have a rough path as more is discovered in his business dealings with Ukraine, Russia and China. Finally, when is main stream media going to comment to Joe’s incessant lying? His graduating at the top of his class? His driving an 18 wheeler? His being offered a commission in the Navy? His turning down Naval Academy admission as he wanted to play football but the team already had Roger Staubach? His sexual assault on Tara Read? His being arrested protesting Civil Rights? All of these are lies, all of them and I listed only a handful of documented lies. That is Joe Biden, a liar, the feeble old man with a poor memory that avoided prosecution for having secret documents in his unsecure Delaware home. Joe is the pathological liar but he and his lunatic friends like Bernie try to avoid exposure by non-stop name calling their opponent.
